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Smart Farming Initiative
The innovative Smart Farming programme which is the result of the collaboration between Bodossaki Foundation and the American Farm School, supported by a donation from AB Vassilopoulos introduces new technologies aimed at supporting primary sector activities in Greece and represents a significant step towards the development of smart farming in our country.
With the installation of 12 state-of-the-art telemetry systems in selected regions across the country, farmers will have access to accurate, real-time mapped information, made available directly on their computer or mobile device. This will enable them to make informed decisions, based on important meteorological and soil parameters.
The regions selected for the installation of the 12 telemetry systems are associated with the production of agricultural products of key significance to the local and national economy such as grapes.
The programme’s results will serve as the guide for formulating the European policy in the agricultural sector post-2020, placing Greece at the very centre of developments and offering to Greek farmers a distinct advantage over the other European farmers in these particular fields.

The American Farm School nurtures the minds that feed the world. It is the premier institution in southeastern Europe for education and research in agriculture, food systems, environmental studies and other life sciences related to our sustainable future. Founded in 1904 by enlightened American educators, the School continues to apply its hallmark “learn by doing” approach to educate students of all ages.

AB Vassilopoulos counts 80 years of continuous presence in the Greek food market and has been identified in the consciousness of its partners, suppliers and customers as a provider of top quality products and services.

Bodossaki Foundation came into being in 1972 and is today one of Greece’s best-known public benefit foundations. Its establishment was the ultimate offering of its founder, Prodromos-Bodossakis Athanassiades – an offering having its roots in the age-long tradition of charity and social solidarity of Anatolian and Diaspora Greeks.The Foundation works to promote its vision for a society of equal opportunities for all, which enables people to fully realise their potential.
The Foundation’s activities are organised in four strategic priority themes:
- Promoting education
- Improving healthcare
- Protecting the environment
- Empowering civil society
The key principles that govern the Foundation’s operation are transparency, accountability and credibility.
With a view to further strengthening its impact on society, it also invites private donors, companies (in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility actions) and other Greek and foreign foundations, to join forces and support its initiatives and actions, taking advantage of the implementation, monitoring and accountability mechanisms it has in place.

NextFood Project | Innovative Science & Education for Sustainable Agriculture
Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system
Enhancing the co-creation of innovation and knowledge in agriculture, forestry and related bio-value chains.Developing an innovative European science and education roadmap for sustainable agriculture. Inducing a paradigm shift from a linear to a cyclical approach of learning.

Welcome to the BioPhotonics and Nanomedicine Lab (BPNLab) at the Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC-CNR) of the CNR in Florence. Our research activities focus on:
- preclinical and clinical studies on the use of laser and other optoelectronics devices for minimally invasive surgery (e.g. in ophthalmology, microvascular surgery and dermatology)
- development and applications of plasmonic nanoparticles for theranostics
- microscopy analysis (e.g. fluorescence, Raman, multiphoton and photoacoustic) on molecules of biological and medical interest
- plasmon-enhanced spectroscopies and sensing (SERS, TERS)
- agri-food photonics and biosensing

The “New Agriculture for a New Generation” program is a non-profit initiative that aims to create employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for youth in Greece, and to support the growth and revival of the Agrifood sector.
Rutgers University is leading this multi-year, pioneering program, in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Athens and the American Farm School.
The program is being implemented through an exclusive grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
We develop human resources in the sector, build skills, cultivate innovation, support
entrepreneurship and enhance collaboration and dialogue among all stakeholders in the Agrifood sector.
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